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By December 28, 2022No Comments


Have you ever wondered that your small step could make a big impact? Well, it does. Many people don’t realize the value of something until they do it. For example, spending your money to shop from a small business may boost economic empowerment, increase product diversity, make an environmental impact, and could be less stressful. Confused? Let’s tell you how shopping small makes a difference.

Environmental impact

Interesting point, isn’t it? When you buy locally-made products, you are actually positively contributing to the environment. Simply put, big stores sell products of various mega-brands from all around the world. And when the shipments come from other countries, they add to the pollution and lead to negative environmental effects.

On the other hand, local products come directly from farms and factories to your table without traveling miles through the land, air, or sea routes. Less shipping means less contribution to the negative climate impacts. So, isn’t it now more interesting to know that you can commit to shopping small and make a great environmental New Year’s resolution?

IMPROVED product variety

When you visit megastores, you will find some products with expensive price tags tailored to the needs of the masses. These are the most demanded products and come from brands that are only specific to bigger, and wealthier consumers – leaving out people who don’t fit into popular fads. 

This trend kills the diversity culture. Increased demand for a certain product improves inventory. For example, if you go to a local bookstore and ask them about your favorite author and buy the book, they’ll know that the author is gaining popularity. This will result in the bookstore ordering more books of that writer.

So, if they apply this to all the other categories, there will be a stock tailored specifically to the customers that love the books of their favorite authors. Thus, you will find a variety of other authors’ books.

Economic empowerment 

According to researchers, when you spend a dollar at a small business, you are contributing $0.67 to the community in the form of local taxes, local employees’ salaries, or donations to a local nonprofit or community event. In fact, when it comes to helping local charities and groups, small companies outperform larger ones.

Therefore, spending your money on shopping small helps make a big impact that can contribute to the development of our community while creating more opportunities for local employees.


Another benefit of shopping small is building relationships with others. Let’s say, you visit a local shop to get some supplies or clothes, or anything, you will meet people that will greet you with a smile. They are the ones from your own community who are struggling to make the ends meet.

No matter if you buy from them or not, but interacting with them and knowing them will help you in developing a relationship that may last for decades. You will surely visit that shop whenever you will need to buy something.

On the other hand, mega stores don’t really believe in community building or making relationships. All they care about is their business. That’s why when you visit them, you will hardly find anything meeting your budget. All you will find there would be branded items with expensive price tags.

Less stress

Are you a crowd-loving person? Because if you’re not, you won’t find the” shopping at the big stores’ experience” pleasing, especially, when it’s the holiday season. The reason is that these mega stores offer mega sales on special occasions to attract more customers. As result, people storm these places to get their favorite items at discounted prices, making it an unpleasing experience for many as they have to deal with traffic and parking. This brings stress to the shoppers who don’t love to be in larger crowds.

In contrast, when you shop small, you won’t have to deal with a flood of people. Also, you won’t have to walk around the entire mall to find the product you are looking for. Megastores have hundreds of products stocked and it is nearly impossible to find your favorite product on holiday sale.

Shopping small is often less stressful because the experience in small businesses is a unique experience often tailored specifically to your needs, especially if you already have a relationship at the shop.


Now that you know everything about shopping small, and how it makes a difference in our lives, our community, and our environment, you should confidently prefer to shop from a small business.

Your little contribution can make a significant impact. Moreover, shopping small is less stressful for you as you don’t have to wait for the stock to be refilled or the prices to drop. You also won’t have to wait for the holiday season sales or deal with the larger crowds to buy something that is also available at small stores.

Take the first step towards positive change – You have the power to turn the tables for small businesses!

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