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By December 28, 2022No Comments


The revolution that came with smartphone technology is here to stay. Millions of people around the world own smartphones that help them with dozens of jobs in their everyday life.

You love your phone, right? Well, everybody does! Who doesn’t want to click pictures in front of a mirror, post them on social media and get likes and hearts from friends and family? Your phone makes you a celebrity. Oh yeah!

But have you ever thought that your phone also needs care? Since it’s always in use, it may get scratched, or may accidentally fall from your hand – getting severely damaged. Ah, it was a lovely phone

A phone case will be the least expensive investment for your phone’s protection. It not only saves your phone in an event of a sudden fall from your hand but also gives it a stylish look. Being an integral part of your beloved phone, it is bound to gain some wear and tear, getting dirt, grime, or stains that may be invisible but harmful to you. You may be holding one of the grossest items (even dirtier than a toilet) in your hand every time you are calling someone.

Now that you have been thoroughly grossed out, you need to learn how to make your phone and its case clean to avoid getting germs out of that invisible dirt.

Here are some easy steps to clean out the dirt and stains of your phone case.

Clean your phone!

Use isopropyl alcohol wipes to clean your phone. Though you had your phone case on all the time, however, some germs are too nasty that they skid and take refuge in a gap between your phone and the cover. Therefore, carefully cleaning your phone and its cover with anti-bacterial wipes may only help to eliminate them.


Now that you have a super clean, bacteria-free phone, make sure you keep it somewhere safe until you have cleaned its case too.

With a clean, dirt-free phone and case, you will no longer have to swim in a soup of bacteria every time you take it out to make a call. Oh, and you can forget that ‘grossest than toilet’ thing now.

It’s a good practice to clean your phone and its case regularly. All you need is a pack of disinfecting wipes. That’s it! However, if you just thought about cleaning it after reading this blog, you may have to invest your bills on some supplies such as a bar of dish soap, chlorine bleach, sponge or cloth, vinegar, and dishwashing gloves – depending on the type of phone case your phone has.

Different types of phone cases need different cleaning methods.

Let’s know which method fits your needs

Cleaning a plastic phone case

Plastic phone cases are one of the easiest to clean and give a fascinating look after they are cleaned thoroughly. Depending on the material quality, these cases are durable and withstand hot and cold water conditions and cleaning chemicals. Here are easy steps to clean your plastic phone case and give it a refreshingly new look.

  • Step 1: You can clean your plastic phone case using both bleach and dish soap solutions. If your skin doesn’t like bleach, you can use the other formula which is dish soap.
  • For bleach-friendly users: Take one teaspoon of bleach and mix it in a cup of water to make the solution. Don’t forget to wear protective gloves before making the solution. Once it’s mixed well, take an empty bowl and transfer all the water from the cup. Put your cover in the solution.
  • For dish soap users: Use 2-3 ml of dish soap and mix it well in water. Once it’s mixed and the solution is ready, place your phone’s case in it.
  • Step 2: Leave the cover for 12-15 minutes and wait till all the dirt and stains wash out. If your cover is a little dirtier, leave it there for another 5 minutes.
  • Step 3: It’s time for a gentle scrub. Use a toothbrush to take out the dirt hidden in the nooks and use a sponge to clean the gunk.
  • Step 4: It’s clean. Congrats! Take out the case and leave it for a few minutes to air dry. Doesn’t it look sparkling hygienic? Of course, it does!

Cleaning a Silicone Phone Case

Compared to plastic phone cases, silicone cases are more stylish and greatly improve the curb appeal of one of the most valuable possessions. However, even a small stain and dirt get visible on these cases, making them look messy in no time. If you have a silicone phone cover, you need to follow these easy steps to keep it clean and shining.

  • Step 1: You will need hot water for a better cleaning experience. Mix 2-3 ml of dishwashing soap into a bowl of hot water. Make sure the water is not too hot to burn your fingers.
  • Step 2: And no… you can’t dip your silicone phone case into the hot water. It’ll most probably destroy it. Take a cloth or sponge, dip it in the solution and gently clean the cover. A toothbrush can help you to clean hard-to-reach spots and crannies.
  • Step 3: Don’t worry about the stubborn stains mocking you. They will be washed away in no time. All you need to do is sprinkle some baking soda on them, rub them with a brush, and wait for them to scream… Bet you won’t have heard stains scream before, have you?
  • Step 4: Give it 10 minutes to dry before letting it meet the love of its life – your phone!

Cleaning a Wooden Phone Case

You are a style geek if you love wooden phone covers. And style comes at a price not everyone can afford to pay.

Wooden cases don’t like to get in touch with water. Force cleaning them using water will only ruin their look and they could expand or shrink. Therefore, learn how to clean these types of cases carefully without damaging them.

  • Step 1: Take a spray bottle. Put a cup of water and half a cup of vinegar and mix them well. You can also add half a teaspoon of baking soda or two drops of dishwash soap if you see those stubborn stains here too!
  • Step 2: Once the solution is ready, take your wooden case and spray the solution on both sides. Leave it that way for 30 secs to one minute. Wipe it down with a clean, damp cloth.
  • Step 3: Repeat the procedure but this time uses a dry cloth. It will remove excess moisture and help keep the cover intact.
  • Step 4: Your wooden phone case is now clean and ready to shine!


It’s true. Nobody wants a filthy phone case that has lost its real charm and turned yellow. It also diminishes the beauty of your beloved phone and you may feel shameful holding the dirty phone at a gathering. Won’t you?

But that doesn’t mean you should buy a new phone cover. Why waste your hard-earned money on a new one when you can transform your old case and give it a refreshingly fresh look with just a little care?

Whether you have a silicone phone cover, a wooden one, or any other phone case, taking good care of it will not only keep it sparkling but also increase its life. So, say goodbye to all the dirt, gunk, and germs residing on your phone case with the simple cleaning methods mentioned above, and give your phone a fresh, spotless, and hygienic cover instantly!

And if you are looking for a new, stylish phone case, you can check out our collection of the most versatile phone covers with original designs available at the prices you’ll love!

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